
Changes to the rules and conditions for posting tasks

Changes have been made to the Service Rules and Tasks Publishing Rules. The upcoming changes were already announced about a year ago on the official news blog. The purpose of these changes is to bring the service in line with the current changes in international legislation. We are permanently discontinuing certain services. We, the SEOSPRINT team, are consciously taking this step. We understand that this will lead to a significant churn of advertisers and a decrease in the number of tasks, because some of these tasks were somehow related to cheating. Nevertheless, we are deeply convinced that such changes in the medium and long term will provide us with stable growth and trust from the large and official customers that we want to attract. We are sincerely grateful to everyone who stays with us now and in the future.


What has changed in the Project Rules?

Little. We have edited several paragraphs to reflect the current state of affairs.

Service Rules

Paragraph 2.8 reflects our official position regarding the materials published by the authors in blogs and publications.

In paragraph 4.5, information is added that each customer and advertiser has a personal manager to whom you can contact for advice.

In paragraph 4.7, information is added that in addition to the general prohibitions from paragraph 4.6, there may be additional rules for each type of service that include their own restrictions or, conversely, tolerances.

Paragraph 5.6 describes in more detail the actions that will lead to the ban of the account. Please also note that not only violators can be banned, but also the accounts of those who helped them. Remember, never accept offers to complete someone's task in order to withdraw money to someone's wallet for a reward. Report such requests to technical support. Otherwise, you risk not only being banned here, but also becoming part of the criminal proceedings.


What has changed in the Rules for publishing tasks?

Rules for publishing tasks

Here are the main changes. The list of tasks that are not allowed to be placed has been expanded. Also added is paragraph 10, which ensures the safety of users in tasks for downloading and installing applications and other software.

In paragraph 1, the following restrictions on the placement of tasks were added:

  • tasks with the requirement to publish any fake reviews, both in a ready-made scenario and in a free form;
  • tasks requiring clicks on advertising links and banners;
  • tasks with the requirement to set a certain rating in advance (including like/dislike) for a resource: a post, a video, a poll, a vote, etc.;


Is nothing possible now?

You can not only do what is associated with deception. You can still ask to read a post, watch a video, subscribe to a channel, make a repost, and even ask to rate a video or article, but without specifying how. In this case, you will receive a real assessment that corresponds to reality. Useful and interesting content will always be appreciated. You can ask to participate in the voting, but you can not specify what to choose. You can not ask to leave reviews about products that the performer did not use and about places that the performer did not visit. You can not ask to click on ads on any site or channel, including ads from Google.


What should customers who have forbidden tasks do?

We are grateful to our customers for choosing our project at the right time. If you have tasks that cannot be placed on our service due to the new changes in the rules, be sure that your tasks will not be deleted and not a single cent will be lost from your balances. Your tasks will run until their budget runs out. After that, they will stop and you can delete them. You will not be able to top up task budgets that do not comply with the rules. And of course, new tasks will be moderated according to the new rules.

Any advertiser who wants to end their activity on SEOSPRINT and withdraw funds from the task budgets can report their desire to Technical Support. You can do this until June 20, 2021. We really hope that you will be able to rebuild your advertising campaigns and stay with us.

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