News and announcements

Administrator@1Author09/08/2020, 9:35 pm
Changes in the conditions for withdrawing funds to payment systems
Dear users!

Recently, there has been a sharp increase in the influx of fraudsters who are trying to use SEOSPRINT to "launder" money through various payment systems. This forces us to either close certain payment systems or introduce stricter rules for their use. As you all know, the SEOSPRINT administration has the right to include or exclude various payment systems at any time (see the Rules, clause 2.5).

In view of this, starting September 3, 2020, new conditions for admitting funds to various payment systems will be launched on SEOSPRINT. Please heed the following warnings:

1. Withdrawal of funds to peremptory payment systems (Payeer, AdvCash, PerfectMoney) will be available to users with a status not lower than "Master".

2. Individual users may be blocked (temporarily or permanently) from the ability to withdraw funds to any of the payment systems, if SEOSPRINT algorithms suspect attempts to exchange currencies or other illegal actions. Incl. hidden attempts to launder money through fictitious tasks, agreements with other users, etc.

3. In case of detection of attempts to deposit money through credit cards and subsequent withdrawal to electronic payment systems, incl. using covert attempts to launder money through fictitious execution of tasks, agreements with other users, etc., information about users involved in the "scheme" will be transferred to the appropriate state bodies for control and combating fraud.

Please be vigilant!
If any SEOSPRINT user asks you to help you withdraw money to any payment system in any way, never agree or comply and immediately inform Tech Support about such cases. Usually scammers offer to complete tasks and withdraw money, taking a percentage of the work. They often substantiate these actions stating that they urgently need money, the status does not permit them to, and a bunch of other reasons. Remember, they are trying to use you. As a result, not only the fraudster will suffer, but also you, since you participated in a criminal scheme. Protect your reputation, status, account and nerves.

Dear advertisers! If you deposited funds to advertising platforms via a credit card or PayPal, but for some reason changed your mind about launching advertising and want to return the funds, just contact Technical Support with this request and you will certainly be helped and refunded to the same card or PayPal wallet. Just do not delay this question in time, please.

These warnings and future changes are intended to protect the majority of honest and conscientious users of SEOSPRINT. Thanks for your attention!
Varlami@1433461409/12/2020, 4:34 pm #40005
Hgvery good very nace
Very like
somayeh@1458323812/02/2020, 8:48 pm #46291
vary vary good
Mahsa@1468542201/05/2021, 12:02 am #56052

Why there is no payer item in the withdrawal

Chief Manager@201/05/2021, 10:22 am #56056

Why there is no payer item in the withdrawal


See above in the text:


1. Withdrawal of funds to peremptory payment systems (Payeer, AdvCash, PerfectMoney) will be available to users with a status not lower than "Master".

Siefddine@1482365502/13/2021, 5:59 pm #60342

اردت ان اسحب رصيدي الذي جنيته من موقعكم على محظتي بايير لم يصلني ارجوا مساعدة

Siefddine@1482365502/13/2021, 5:59 pm #60343

اردت ان اسحب رصيدي الذي جنيته من موقعكم على محظتي بايير لم يصلني ارجوا مساعدة

Chief Manager@202/13/2021, 11:45 pm #60457

اردت ان اسحب رصيدي الذي جنيته من موقعكم على محظتي بايير لم يصلني ارجوا مساعدة

مساء الخير ، في حالتك ، تحتاج إلى ترك طلب للدعم الفني ، مباشرة على الموقع ، من خلال حسابك. ستقوم خدمة الدعم الفني بحل سؤالك وستتلقى إجابة منهم. يمكنك تقديم طلب بالذهاب إلى الصفحة الرئيسية للموقع من خلال حسابك ، في القائمة اليسرى في علامة التبويب ، انقر فوق أيقونة "اتصال" ، وتحتاج إلى الانتقال إلى علامة التبويب - طلب الدعم الفني. انظر قائمة الموضوعات. اختر موضوعًا يناسب وضعك. عند ترك طلب ، ضع في اعتبارك أنه يتم حل المشكلة بشكل أسرع إذا وصفت المشكلة لفترة وجيزة ، ولكن بشكل كامل قدر الإمكان. تذكر ، هذه ليست محادثة مباشرة. تتم معالجة جميع الطلبات بدورها. أقصى وقت استجابة هو 24 ساعة ، على الرغم من أننا نحاول الرد بأسرع وقت ممكن. قد تضطر إلى الانتظار بعض الوقت قبل أن تحصل على إجابة لسؤالك. الرجاء عدم تكرار نفس الطلبات ، فهذا لن يؤدي إلا إلى تعقيد العملية وزيادة وقت الرد على سؤالك.


Chief Manager@202/13/2021, 11:48 pm #60459

اردت ان اسحب رصيدي الذي جنيته من موقعكم على محظتي بايير لم يصلني ارجوا مساعدة

Mashkoor Hussain @1487325102/22/2021, 7:12 pm #61523
Hgvery good very nace
Very like


Mashkoor Hussain @1487325102/22/2021, 7:13 pm #61524

Very nice

Reza@1475819603/03/2021, 10:05 pm #62303

Why there is no perfect money item in the withdrawal

Shamsullah@1490992703/05/2021, 8:28 am #62422
Dear users!

Recently, there has been a sharp increase in the influx of fraudsters who are trying to use SEOSPRINT to "launder" money through various payment systems. This forces us to either close certain payment systems or introduce stricter rules for their use. As you all know, the SEOSPRINT administration has the right to include or exclude various payment systems at any time (see the Rules, clause 2.5).

In view of this, starting September 3, 2020, new conditions for admitting funds to various payment systems will be launched on SEOSPRINT. Please heed the following warnings:

1. Withdrawal of funds to peremptory payment systems (Payeer, AdvCash, PerfectMoney) will be available to users with a status not lower than "Master".

2. Individual users may be blocked (temporarily or permanently) from the ability to withdraw funds to any of the payment systems, if SEOSPRINT algorithms suspect attempts to exchange currencies or other illegal actions. Incl. hidden attempts to launder money through fictitious tasks, agreements with other users, etc.

3. In case of detection of attempts to deposit money through credit cards and subsequent withdrawal to electronic payment systems, incl. using covert attempts to launder money through fictitious execution of tasks, agreements with other users, etc., information about users involved in the "scheme" will be transferred to the appropriate state bodies for control and combating fraud.

Please be vigilant!
If any SEOSPRINT user asks you to help you withdraw money to any payment system in any way, never agree or comply and immediately inform Tech Support about such cases. Usually scammers offer to complete tasks and withdraw money, taking a percentage of the work. They often substantiate these actions stating that they urgently need money, the status does not permit them to, and a bunch of other reasons. Remember, they are trying to use you. As a result, not only the fraudster will suffer, but also you, since you participated in a criminal scheme. Protect your reputation, status, account and nerves.

Dear advertisers! If you deposited funds to advertising platforms via a credit card or PayPal, but for some reason changed your mind about launching advertising and want to return the funds, just contact Technical Support with this request and you will certainly be helped and refunded to the same card or PayPal wallet. Just do not delay this question in time, please.

These warnings and future changes are intended to protect the majority of honest and conscientious users of SEOSPRINT. Thanks for your attention!

Very interesting and good 👍

Shahkhalid@1474831603/15/2021, 9:14 pm #63572

Dear who lunder money of one ,two,five dollars that's not in large .


The issue is that someone have no access to those payments you are paying , I don't know why the management doesn't take

Shahkhalid@1474831603/15/2021, 9:15 pm #63573

Dear who lunder money of one ,two,five dollars that's not in large .


The issue is that someone have no access to those payments you are paying , I don't know why the management doesn't take

Mostakim@1498997004/04/2021, 11:05 am #65444

Very good 

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